Snider Mountain Ranch FSL Camp
Snider Mountain Ranch
We miss you!
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we were not able to host our SMR French second language camp again this year.
We really missed having all the students teachers, counselors, and support staff at the camp this year and so .....
We want to hear from anyone who has gone to the Ranch with us in the past!
If you have ever been part of a CPF NB school trip to Snider Mountain Ranch for our FSL camp we want to hear about your greatest camp memories! Send us a short message to tell us about it (in French of course). The competition is open to all teachers, school support staff, counselors & students.
All entries will receive a complimentary CPF NB membership and a $50 visa gift card (while supplies last) !!
Although our camps were canceled Snider Mountain Ranch has since been allowed to reopen and offer some really awesome camps following social distancing regulations!
For more information, you can visit their website