When it comes to FSL tutoring we've got you covered!
CPF NB Tutoring subsidy - New and Improved
CPF NB is offering a tutoring subsidy of up to $125 for French second language students of all ages and French proficiency levels!
Applicants will be approved on a first-come-first-served basis while funding allows. Once we have reached our budget limit for this funding period a waitlist will be enacted. Those on the waitlist will be contacted if funding for the program will continue during the next funding period.
With our new program, you no longer need to find your own tutor!
We have partnered with Appredre Franco-fun!*
*Created by co-founders Saralyn Fadel & Gaston Prattis who are both qualified French teachers in Ontario.
Over the past year and a half, they have worked with over 800 students across Canada.
They currently have a team of 40 talented teachers who provide lessons and content that they have created based on the current FSL curriculum.
You can learn more about this incredible program through the following links:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/apprendrefrancofun
Website: www.apprendrefrancofun.com
To apply for the subsidy for anyone under the age of 18 please fill out one of the following forms:
Tutoring Subsidy Application for school-aged students
Tutoring Subsidy application for adults
Parent/Guardian(s) must be a current CPF NB member. To become a member click here.​