Canadian Parents for French is a national volunteer organization of adults who recognize the value of learning French as a second language and actively promote opportunities for young Canadians to learn and use French. Each year, CPF New Brunswick sponsors the public speaking event “Concours d’art oratoire”, at the provincial level. At the provincial finals, prizes are awarded to students who excel.
CPF holds French immersion camps each summer for students to practice their French out of the school environment.
CPF provides information services for parents seeking research data about French immersion, information about programs in other areas of the province or country, information about camps and other enrichment activities and provincial and national newsletters with items of interest to parents and students.
As a member of Canadian Parents for French, you are a member of a 17,282 strong group of parents concerned about the education that our children are receiving. We are all firmly committed to the idea that children should be educated in both of our official languages, English and French, to broaden their minds, to enrich their experience and to enhance their ability to communicate. CPF plays an important role in promoting and maintaining excellence in French second-language programs in our schools.
Learning French matters to CPF! We would be very happy to welcome you to the CPF family.
Please complete the membership form and mail or fax it to our office. Membership form Or join online!
Mission Statement
Canadian Parents for French (CPF) is the national network of volunteers which values French as an integral part of Canada and which is dedicated to the promotion and creation of French-second-language learning opportunities for young Canadians.
Vision Statement
A Canada where French- and English-speakers live together in mutual respect with an understanding and appreciation of each other’s language and culture and where linguistic duality forms an integral part of society.
Values Statement
In Canadian Parents for French we value commitment to our mandate, the acquisition and dissemination of knowledge, and the taking of initiative and responsibility so that we achieve credibility and effectiveness.
Position Statements
The following documents are the official Position Statements of CPF. These five Position Statements are included in the Board Policies manual as Appendix D.
We invite members to review the Position Statements and to send comments to cpf@nb.cpf.ca.
Equitable Access to French-Second-Language Programs
Quality French-Second-Language Programs
National French-Second-Language Proficiency Benchmarks
Full Range of French-Second-Language Entry Points and Program Choices